πŸ“ΈScreen Capturing

Capture Screenshots Instantly with TestBuddy

Quick Overview πŸš€

TestBuddy streamlines the process of capturing screenshots for bugs and issues, accompanied by essential developer-friendly details such as console logs, network logs, and system information. This enhances issue comprehension and expedites debugging. πŸ“Έ

The resulting bug report is comprehensive, data-rich, contextually relevant, and user-friendly, facilitating effective communication across all team members, including QA engineers, developers, project managers, and support teams. πŸ“Š

Upon capturing the screen, TestBuddy automatically adds all relevant details and information to it, creating a unique report link for easy sharing with anyone. πŸ”—

QA teams can swiftly share these detailed reports with the development team, streamlining the bug-reporting workflow. πŸš€

Technical details automatically captured with each report include Console Statements, Network Requests and Logs, Timestamp, URL, Device, Browser, Window Size,Bug Reporter and Country. πŸ› οΈ

Step1: Capture screenshot of bug by clicking on "Take Screenshot"

Step 2: Insert your bug title

Step 3: Generate bug description by clicking on "TestBuddy-AI" button

Step 4: Report or Share your bugs instanly

Last updated